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Unresolved issues. The reluctance to request TPA, or to table bolder proposals at the TPP talks, likely reflects
the fact that there is sharp disagreement in the Congress over how the United States should approach environmental,
labor, and intellectual property issues (among others). These were once covered in a May 10, 2007 agreement between
the Bush White House and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but that fell apart when Pelosi moved to block the Colombia
FTA. Any new stance will be highly contentious.

Staunch Democratic opposition. While the passage last month of the Korea, Colombia, and Panama deals was most
welcome, it did not herald a new era of bipartisan agreement on trade.

If anything, it showed an even more partisan
split, with almost unified Republican support in the House and heavy Democratic opposition. Thus, trade looks like
the kind of issue that would fit very well in a Clintonian triangulation strategy, in which President Obama tried
to demonstrate some common cause with Republicans while distancing himself from his own party. But that hardly
seems to be the President's approach to the upcoming election campaign.


For a long time, key members of the TPP negotiations had pushed for the talks to conclude this month. They did not.
The fear was that beyond the Hawaii APEC meeting lay political doldrums. While business leaders have urged a
mid-2012 conclusion of the TPP talks, it would be very surprising if they were not becalmed until at least


For the Obama administration, constrained by Democratic politics, the ideal positioning may be to have perpetual
stories about the President gazing out across the Pacific, describing his ambitious vision of a 21st Century Free
Trade Agreement, an agreement that will be better than all that came before in thrilling and unspecified ways.
The danger for everyone else is that the Obama team may prefer perpetual reruns of this "visionary" story to any
new accounts of a concluded agreement.



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